DL119: Application Note for Prototyping Board A and mySmartControl MK2
This examples application describes the structure of an LED matrix for the mySmartControl MK2 and a prototyping board A. There is a LED Matrix that is constructed with 3x6 LEDs. Each LED should be separately controllable. With an LED matrix, there can be any signs and symbols to be displayed.
The firmware simpleTerminal (tool_simple-terminal.zip) is a small program for the mySmartControl MK2 (16K/8K). It allows you to set, delete and change the bits of the used ports. It is required for the realisation of projects such as the example project "LED-Matrix". To use it just copy the firmware to the mySmartControl. To do this you can use the following software: SiSy AVR, myAVR WorkPad SE/PLUS or myAVR Prog Tool.