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myXMC4500 Board PLUS

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myXMC4500 Board PLUS

price: 59.95 Euro

The development board XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit from Infineon in package
with the equipped myXMC-Board-4500
and myUSBtoUART

XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit
and myXMC-Board-4500
connected by multi-pin and
female connector
  • XMC4500 microcontroller
  • USB-UART Bridge
  • USB interface
  • interface to myAVR products
    with typical input and output devices
    • potentiometer
    • buttons
    • LEDs
    • Speaker
  • raster for flexible use
  • optional interfaces to myAVR products


The XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit from Infineon is a powerful deverlopment board. It allows the user a simple way to use the high performance characteristics of the Cortex-M4 for your own applications. Another advantage is the separable JLINK Programmer of Segger. With the other XMC can be programmed and debugged over the retrofit SWD-pin connector (Serial Wire Debugging).
The myXMC-board 4500 is already ready equipped and acts as an add-on, an ideal complement to
XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit. Additional digital and analog input and output devices and a USB-UART Bridge for communication with the PC complete the XMC experimentation and learning platform. This add-on provides means of interface for myAVR products the chance to use the new 32bit technology in combination with existing myAVR products. The pin configuration of the interface is defined, so no need for additional cables.

Properties of XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit

  • XMC4500 microcontroller (based on ARM Cortex-M4F)
  • supply voltage via USB with micro USB-cable
  • supply voltage variable from 5 V to 3,3 V
  • detachable on-board Debugger
  • 4 LEDs
    • 1 Power-LED
    • 1 Debugg-LED
    • 2 LEDs, freely available for the user
  • 3 buttons
    • 1 Reset-buttons
    • 2 buttons, freely available for the user
  • interfaces
    •  4x SPI-Master
    •  3x I²C
    •  3x I²S
    •  3x UART
    •  2x CAN
    • 17x ADC (12 Bit)
    •  2x DAC
    • 31x PMW at 2 pin rows 2x20

XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit

Properties of myXMC-Board-4500

  • interface for XMC4500 Relax Lite Kit
  • input and output devices
    • 2 buttons
    • 2 potentiometer
    • 1 light sensor
    • 3 LEDs
    • 1 Speaker
  • raster for flexible use (2,54 mm)
  • interface for myAVR products with pre-assigned pins (20-pin)
  • optional components:
    • USB-UART-Bridge (myUSBtoUART)
    • inferface to myAVR products

mySTM32-Board-F4D, ready equipped with


  • integrated JLink for programming and debugging on the Board
  • power supply of the board via USB or 5V external
  • 3 V and 5 V are provided for external peripherals available
  • connection of external devices via USB with micro USB-cable
  • all microcontroller pins are routed via multi-pin connector to the outside

Scope of supply

  • 1 development XMC4500 Relax lite Kit
  • 1 supplementary circuit board myXMC-Board-4500 ready equipped with USB-UART Bridge
  • different colored patch cables with double-sided socket

Software recommendation

The extensive range of features of this board is optimally supported from SiSy XMC for developing your own programs. SiSy XMC iis a software package for designing, writing, translating, burning and testing the self-developed programs. The functionalities of a simple development environment for programming as well as working with the UML is available. Your own work will be optimized with the sample programs and integrated support.
Here you can find more information about SiSy XMC.
Für den Einstieg in die objektorientierte Programmierung von XMC-Mikrocontrollern finden Sie Hilfe und Anregungen im XMC Tutorial für C/C++ und UML. Ausgewählte Bereiche und interessante Beispiele nutzen als Referenzhardware ARM Produkte.
myXMC4500 Board PLUS
myXMC-Board-4500 (equipped) with XMC Relax Lite Kit and USBtoUART
  • XMC4500 mikrocontroller
  • variable supply voltage
  • micro USB Interface
  • detachable on-board debugger
  • Interface for myAVR products
  • Input and output devices
  • USB UART bridge
  • free user-pins
  • grind: 2.54 mm
list price: 59.95 Euro

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