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myTouch LCD Add-On 320x240; v.2

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myTouch LCD Add-On 320x240; v.2

myTouch LCD Add-On 320x240; v.2

price: 33.00 Euro

Ready to connect Color Grafic Touch LCD
version 2 with ILI9341 display controller

The myTouch LCD Add-On combines the large color TFT "Color Touch LCD Grafic module" with an expansion board that has both sides on the myMCU standard connector. By means of this pre-made port, an instant connection with myAVR-, mySTM32- and myXMC boards or own developments are built. About a 20-pin female connector can further add-ons or custom boards with this add-on combine. An SD card slot allows for additional functionality.


  • can be combined with
    • myAVR boards
    • mySTM32 boards
    • myXMC boards
    • o own developments
  • color depth: 65 K
  • 3,2 inch (=8,1 cm) TFT
  • 320 x 240 pixel, QVGA
  • display-controller: ILI9341
  • touch-IC: ADS7843, serial
  • SD card slot
  • takes a few connecting cables

myTouch LCD Add-On with myXMC4500 Board PLUS
The supply voltage is approximately 3.3 V.
To operate in 5V environment not guaranteed. The Jumper 2 (Backlight) with a suitable series resistor should be fitted.

example of use / tutorials

You can find helps for the programming of the display in our download-area and in the follow tutorials. Please note: The tutorials are only in german.
myTouch LCD Add-On 320x240; v.2
Color Grafic Touch LCD for myAVR-, mySTM- and myXMC-boards or own projects - ready for connection
  • display controller: SSD1289
  • 320x240 pixel, QVGA
  • color depth: 65 K
  • SD-card slot
  • myMCU standard connector
list price: 33.00 Euro

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